I Can't Believe it I Like Networking!

I Can't Believe it I Like Networking!

I Can’t Believe I like Networking!

Well who knew? I can't believe I am saying this, but I actually like networking! Being honest I put off what I thought would be the most horrendous way to sell for as long as possible but I am now beginning to realise the benefits to be gained from doing it. I share in this blog 7 key learning points from taking the leap of faith. Give it a go! You might just like it.

Beating Social Media Overwhelm

Beating Social Media Overwhelm

As business owners we can all appreciate the benefits social media offers us. At the same time the world of social media can be incredibly overwhelming. I’m a trained Social Media Manager as well as a Marketer and I’m certainly not immune to this feeling of social media overwhelm. Does it need to be like that? The short answer is no! Here are my 8 tips to help remove the stress & save you time.

8 Things I've learnt about running a new Business

8 Things I've learnt about running a new Business

If you said to me a year ago I would have launched my own business I wouldn’t have believed you. I was lost, stuck and couldn’t see a way for me to achieve the work / life / family balance I so wished for and the thought of setting up my own business terrified me. 7 months and a Digital Mums strategic social media course later, I launched Marketing for Mums. I am now just over 5 months since launch and in a reflective mood.

I have been on a massive learning curve which is only set to continue but I thought I would share 8 things that I have learnt along the way.

How to keep your children safe online

How to keep your children safe online

I am a self-confessed lover of Social Media. From a professional perspective I have seen what a powerful tool it is to build brands and from a personal perspective, it is a lifeline to friends and family who sadly I do not see as much as I would like. However, as a mum of two YouTube loving girls it terrifies me and we haven’t even got to the point of them having their own mobile phones!

I am not an expert, however this is the simple checklist I have come up with for how to start to protect children to decrease the risks they face.

How can a non-visual business compete on Social Media?

How can a non-visual business compete on Social Media?

If your business is not a visual one, then how do you compete in the world of social media?

This is a great question, asked by many, and one that has marketers, designers and social media managers digging to the depths of their creativity. Great imagery and eye-catching video are at the forefront of every social media feed, however many companies are restricted with the imagery available in their particular business.  

So, let’s rise to the challenge and see what opportunities are available with our 10 tips for creating a visually appealing social media presence.